For Students
Scientists aren’t born, but made! That making process starts when we’re kids. Curiosity is the soil from which scientists sprout and that soil knows no color, gender, or creed; with the desire to learn and a little direction, any seed can become a scientist. That’s why we’re here!
Through collaboration with local public schools and Yale-affiliated outreach programs, MCDB takes part in a broad array of opportunities for budding young scientists. Whether students participate in in-depth, multi-year programs, or just want to take advantage of one-off seminars and events, we have a bountiful buffet of educational programs for students to sample. In addition, MCDB has now committed to opening its doors to collaborating on hosting local science events and answering any questions parents or children may have regarding the process of science and how to develop a career as a scientist (see Contact). In the section “Get to know us” we have also included a series of science videos and resources to give a glimpse of what goes on in Yale’s biology departments and what are some of the amazing discoveries and inventions we are making.