MCDB’s Green Cafe is “Taking the Flora”

people attending a lecture in a greenhouse

MCDB's Green Cafe is "Taking the Flora"

Denise George

Marsh Botanical Garden’s greenhouses are lush and warm as summer, home to many plants that wouldn’t stand a chance out in the elements. The garden is known for its carnivorous, tropical and desert collections as well as some historic outdoor landscaping and other plants used for Yale classes and research. On an ordinary day, undergraduates turn up for plant labs while a handful of gardeners work. But on the first Thursday of every month when school is in session, Greenhouse D becomes a lecture hall, and visitors join the crowd for the Green Cafe. 

The Green Cafe is a public offering of the Department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology meant to give everyone from Yale undergrads to local kids to retirees a chance to get up close and personal with plants. Assistant professor of biology Josh Gendron, got Green Cafe started about five years ago along with the former manager of the garden, Eric Larson. 

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Wednesday, February 13, 2019 - 3:45pm