MCDB: Prospectus Proposal

The proposal should be organized into the following sections:

  • Cover page: The cover page must include: Name, Title of project, name of Thesis Advisor, the names of the members of the Thesis Committee, name of the Chairperson of the Committee, and the date, time and place of the meeting.
  • Abstract: The student should briefly outline the background behind the project, indicate the question/problem being addressed, and summarize succinctly the research proposal.  The abstracts should not exceed 250 words.
  • Background and Significance: This section should provide a general introduction to the area of research, and explain the rationale for the proposed research. It should also provide a context for the proposed experiments and describe the experimental system in a manner intelligible to a non- specialist. It should include a critical evaluation of the relevant literature and a clear explanation of how the proposed research will advance knowledge in the field. This section should represent approximately one quarter of the overall proposal (~ 1,500 words).
  • Specific Aims: The explicit goals of the proposal should be listed. Specific aims should be numbered for future reference. Each specific aim should be summarized in one or two sentences (200-300 words overall). Preliminary Data (optional). Any relevant data and their interpretation should be summarized (~1,000 words or less)
  • Experimental Design and Methods: This section should be subdivided with one section for each of the Specific Aims stated, with the sub-sections numbered accordingly. For each Specific Aim, there should be a description of:  the goal and rationale, proposed experiment(s), the technique(s) to be employed, anticipated results and interpretation, and possible caveats and alternative approaches. At the end of the Experimental Design and Methods section, a timetable should be provided. If there are multiple experiments that can be carried out in parallel, you should indicate your priorities.  If the sequence of events depends on the outcome of certain experiments, it may also be useful to include a flow chart.
  • References:   including titles, for any papers cited in the proposal. 
  • Figures: (optional, but desirable).
  • Tables: (optional) (~200-300 words overall).
  • Preliminary Data (optional). Any relevant data and their interpretation should be summarized (~1,000 words or less).