MCDB: Preparing and Submitting the Dissertation

Writing the Dissertation

The Graduate School provides information online for the preparation and presentation of the doctoral dissertation.  The Dissertation Submission forms can be found online under Dissertation Submission Checklist at

Graduate School degrees are awarded in December and May. Final deadlines for the Yale Dissertation Submission and Degree Petition form and submission of dissertations to the Graduate School are October 1 (for December degrees) and March 15th (for May degrees).  The Graduate School does not make any exceptions to these dates.

The Graduate School requires one original unbound copy. The student is given the option to submit the readers’ copy via a pdf file.  The readers’ copies should be emailed as a PDF to departmental registrars (for distribution to the readers). If the reader asks for a paper copy, the student must provide the Dissertation office with the hard copy and they will send it to the reader.

Instructions for Students:

  • Submit your final paper copy (unbound copy) of your dissertation and forms to the Graduate School - Dissertation Office on or before October 1, 2020 (December graduation) March 15, 2021(May graduation).  All forms and fees must be submitted to the Dissertation Office at the time of dissertation submission.
  • Email your dissertation in the form of a PDF to your departmental registrar either before or on the day you submit the final unbound copy (paper) and paperwork to the Dissertation Office as well as
    • The file should be saved as a PDF using the “reduced file size PDF” settings
    • The file should be named with your last name, first name, middle initial and your department with space in between each.  Sample:  Smith, John A. - Music Dept.
    • Email the dissertation to your departmental registrar and make sure to copy
  • The student should be prepared to make any changes required by any of the readers in the final copies.  Prior review by the thesis advisor and thesis committee makes revisions in the final, submitted version a rare exception.  If necessary, however, revisions must be submitted to the Graduate School. 
  • Notification of Readers form must be completed online and approved by the DGS at the time of submission.  The link is as follows:\dissertationreaders

After the student submits the thesis to the Graduate School and to the departmental registrar, the registrar will send the pdf file of the thesis to the readers, who are asked to judge the acceptability of the dissertation and to provide comments.  Students, in consultation with their advisor, are expected to incorporate any additional changes required by the readers into the Graduate School’s unbound copy. The MCDB department strongly recommends that each student have at least a primary research manuscript in submission to a journal before the Committee gives permission to the student to write his or her dissertation. Before the student starts writing, he/she should read “Preparation and Submission of the Doctoral Dissertation” (see “Where to get forms” below), and obtain a dissertation packet from the Graduate School.

It may take a couple of months to write the dissertation, or less time for students who have published papers that will form the core of the dissertation.  The dissertation should describe the scholarly work of the student only (since the only author of the dissertation is the student). Results produced by collaborators should be excluded. If these results provide context for the student’s original work, they can be briefly described in the text (but not shown in Figures unless the student actively participated in producing these results), and the contribution should be properly acknowledged. In addition, the student should draw his or her own illustrative diagrams rather than using or modifying published ones. Note that the student must obtain permission from the publishers prior to reproducing published materials (even if it is from the student) in his or her dissertation.

Copyright Notice

Access the ProQuest Publication Agreement online at  Scroll to the bottom of the page and select 2018-2019 ProQuest Dissertation Paper Submission Agreement. Students are encouraged to review the entire agreement, but are only required by the Graduate School to print and complete Section III (“Author Options & Signature) and the “Dissertation Submission Form.” The “Copyright Registration” and “Copy Order” forms are optional. Any forms you complete must accompany the dissertation manuscript in hard copy at the time of submission.

Based on the options you indicate within the publication agreement; your bursar account will be charged as follows. If you are no longer registered, payment may be made by check or money order payable to Yale University at the time of submission.

Upon receipt of the dissertation, the Graduate School will send the dissertation out for evaluation by the readers. After all reader evaluation forms have been returned to the Graduate School and all requested changes to the dissertation have been made, the DGS acting on behalf of the entire MCDB faculty will sign the form recommending award of the Ph.D. degree. Then the Graduate School Degree Committee and finally the Yale Corporation will vote to approve conferral of the degree.


The student, in consultation with the Thesis Advisor, must identify three readers who will evaluate the dissertation. At least two of the readers must hold ladder faculty positions at Yale.  One of these readers must have a Primary Appointment in MCDB and cannot be the student’s Thesis Advisor.   One of the readers may be from outside of the Yale Community, however, no outside reader is required. The student should complete an Online Notification of Reader’s Form (ONOR: and submit it to the DGS electronically before the due date.

Thesis Defense

After the thesis committee has approved the writing of the thesis, the student selects a date for the thesis defense in consultation with the Thesis Committee.  The department registrar needs four weeks notice of the defense date.  The defense must be held in person on the Yale campus, with the entire Thesis Committee present. Typically, the defense lasts 1 to 2 hours and starts with an introduction of the student by the Thesis Advisor, followed by a 45-55 min seminar by the student. This is followed by a private examination of the student by the Thesis Committee. The dissertation must be submitted to the thesis committee 7 days before the thesis defense.

The Department of MCDB requires the student to e-mail the title of the thesis as well as the date of the defense to the Graduate Registrar.  In addition, the student will be asked to fill out a Post-Graduate Form before he/she leaves the Yale Campus.