BS/MS Courses

The following courses are required for students in the joint BS/MS Program with Yale College. These students are also expected to meet with other MCDB majors performing independent research. This is usually coordinated by the instructor in charge of the MCDB Independent Research courses 475a/b, 485a, 486b, 495a, 496b.

MCDB 585b Research in MCDB for BS/MS Candidates.
     Douglas Kankel
A two-credit course taken in the third-to-last term (the second term of the junior year). At the start of this course, each student forms a committee composed of their adviser and two faculty members that meet to discuss the research project. At the end of this course, students complete a detailed prospectus describing their thesis project and the work completed thus far. The committee evaluates an oral and written presentation of this prospectus; the evaluation determines whether the student may continue in the combined program.

MCDB 595ab. Intensive Research for BS/MS Candidates.
     Douglas Kankel
A four-credit, year-long course (two credits each term) that is similar to MCDB 495a, 496b and is taken during the senior year. During this course, students give an oral presentation describing their work. Students must attend a minimum of three research seminar sessions (including their own) per term. Students are also required to present their research during both the fall and spring terms. At the end of the course, a student is expected to present his or her work to the department in the form of a poster presentation. In addition, the student is expected to give an oral thesis defense, followed by a comprehensive examination of the thesis conducted by the thesis committee. Upon successful completion of this examination, as well as other requirements, the student is awarded the combined BS/MS degree.